Wanna Die Young? You May Have No Choice If
You're Making This Mistake!
For years, even decades we've been told that if you have pain... just taking something like... Advil... Aleve... Bayer... Celebrex... Demerol... Motrin... Naproxen... Oxycontin... Percocet... Tylenol... Ultram... or Vicodin... and your pain will simply disappear.
And that's fine - if you're not a fan of living.
While these drugs may be working right now to temporarily stop your pain... they are secretly working behind the scenes... tearing apart your stomach... turning your organs into mush... and causing your insides to become leaky faucets of BLOOD!
Don't believe me?
Here's proof.
Adverse drug reactions are the 4th leading cause of death in the United States... and even put your life at risk in the hospital... affecting more than 1 in 10 patients.
Only Heart Disease, Cancer, And Strokes
Kill More Americans Every Year!
Here are just a handful of examples of commonly prescribed pain meds and their health-crushing effects...
Aspirin - Want to DOUBLE your chances of developing a perforated ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding? Then start taking "1-a-day" Aspirin and kiss your organs goodbye!Tylenol/Acetaminophen - Every year, more than 56,000 Americans will visit the emergency room due to acetaminophen overdoses. It’s the leading cause of calls to Poison Control Centers and by far the leading cause of acute liver failure, causing nearly 50% of all cases.Vicodin, Lorcet, Norco, Percocet, Percodan, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone - Over 16,000 people per year DIE from opiate overdoses. These highly addictive pain meds prescribed by pill-happy doctors cause liver failure, severe constipation leading to ruptured bowels, blocked bowels or sepsis… severe respiratory depression, confusion, coma, and complete cardiac arrest.Advil, Aleve, ibuprofen, naproxen - These "everyday" pain meds carry a heavy burden. Much heavier than you would ever expect. Just check out these stats...... The odds of dying from taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) after just two months is around 1 in 1,200.
... Roughly 16,685 people die each year from NSAID related complications... stealing the life away from as many people as AIDS!
If you want to play "prescription roulette... just take Celebrex and triple your risk of heart attack! Celebrex - Feeling like playing a little Russian roulette with your heart and brain? Just take prescription Celebrex and you'llinstantly triple your risk of heart attack or stroke!While studying the drug’s potential as an anti-cancer drug, the National Cancer Institute discovered that..."Those taking 400mg doses had 250% greater risk of dying from heart attack or stroke... and those taking the 800mg doses has 340% times the risk!"
So the question is...
... WHY are these pain medications so harmful to your body?
... WHY do they put you at risk for so many other side effects?
... WHY have you been betrayed and lied to by the drug companies and doctors who prescribe you these potentially deadly pain meds?
IF You're In Pain - PLEASE Don't Fall Victim
To The Greedy, Money-Hungry Drug Corporations Feeding You Lies!
These greedy drug corporations want one thing... YOUR MONEY... even if the drugs they're selling you are killing you! |
Giant pain medication corporations care about one thing.
They don't care that their products are munching away on the inside of YOUR body like an uncontrollable cancer... slowly feasting on the healthy cells and organs inside you.
They care about money.
Plain and simple.
Here's proof.
In 2006, revenues of prescription drugs topped $643 BILLION (yes, with a B) dollars...
Wanna know WHERE that excess of money is going?
It's going to places like...
The pocket of Jeffrey Kindler - Jeffrey Kindleris the chairman of the company who creates the popular prescription pain killer "Celebrex". The same one that TRIPLES your risk of heart attack or stroke. To give you a taste of how "ethical" the company is... they pleaded guilty to the largest health care fraud in U.S. history in the year 2009. To make matters worse - this was the 4th time they were charged with that same crime in the past 10 years!So how much of YOUR money goes into his pocket every year? Well... way back in the year 2007... his salary was a whopping $12,600,000.Yes... $12.6 MILLION dollars.That's 1.5 million per MONTH... $242,307.69 per WEEK... $34,615 per DAY!Now listen, I'm not against making money. Everybody wants to make more money, however, I believe in making money by helping people... not making them sick and even killing them!
Your Doctors And Physicians - Baffled at the fact that every time you go to the doctors, you're quickly pushed out the door with "yet another" prescription?Here's why.Sales representatives for these drug companies shower your doctors with free samples and office supplies in order to persuade them to prescribe you the medication they're selling.Some companies offer so-called "educational opportunities" for physicians to continue the medical training necessary to renew their medical licenses. Free dinners, paid trips, and speech slots at symposiums can all influence your physician’s decision to prescribe one prescription over another.
Corrupt Government Officials - Ever wonder why your wallet gets lighter every time you even THINK about your prescriptions?It's because no-good drug companies have a team of 625 lobbyists lining the pockets of our own Congress so they don't pass any "price limitations" on the pain meds and other prescription medicines you currently take.In a recent election, drug companies spent more than ANY other industry in the world to sway the politicians in their favor... influencing politicians to pass bills in their favor with a whopping $134 MILLION dollars.
Can you believe this madness?
It's no wonder so many thousands of people get sent to the hospital, develop life-altering diseases and problems within their bodies... and even DIE from taking NSAID's and prescription pain meds.
All the drug companies care about is the money... NOT you!
But that's not the biggest problem.
The biggest problem is that... while the pain meds you're currently taking are slowly eating away at your vital organs like a deadly virus... they're literally
INCREASING the amount of pain your body is in.
Let me explain...
How Your Body
Naturally Gets Rid Of Pain
There were two things that happened when you injured your back (or any other part of your body)…
Prostaglandins are sent to the area to cause pain, redness and inflammation. Why? This is your body’s way of telling you not to use that area.That way it can send in the "healing forces" to repair your damaged cells. The reason you see that redness and inflammation is because your body is at work trying to heal the area.
Here's what's important to remember.
Your body has 2 types of prostaglandins.
Bad Prostaglandins - These are the type described above. They cause your pain, redness and inflammation. While they are necessary to begin the healing process, they are only meant to be temporary.
Good Prostraglandins - These are the 2nd wave which come in and clean up the inflammed area to reduce your inflammation, heal the affected area and reduce your pain.
Next it gives your body a chance to send in reinforcements. One of those reinforcements is a substance called fibrin (AKA - scar tissue). It surrounds the injured area in a ‘mesh’ coating to protect it so your repair mechanisms can go to work.
Normally, both of these protective mechanisms last only a few days and then your body - through a natural “signal” process - shuts them OFF by sending the "good"
prostaglandins to the area.
When that happens the inflammation, redness, swelling and pain disappear... and the small amount of scar tissue your body created dissolves forever.
Here's the problem...
NSAID's And Prescription Pain Meds BREAK Your Body's
Natural Healing Ability And Cause Long-Term Damage!
Have you ever taken or are currently taking any of the following?
Advil... Aleve... Bayer... Celebrex... Demerol... Motrin... Naproxen... Oxycontin... Percocet... Tylenol...Ultram... Vicodin...?
NSAID's and prescription pain meds are STARVING your bodyof blood and oxygen! |
If so... your body's natural healing ability may be at risk... setting you up for long-term pain and suffering!
You see...these anti-inflammatories block ALL prostaglandins - both good and bad.
This sets your cells up on a "cycle of pain" cause when both the good AND bad prostaglandins are blocked. Instead of allowing your prostaglandins to do their natural jobs, anti-inflammatory drugs simply "numb" the area.
And because your body never gets the "go ahead signal" to turn on your GOOD prostaglandins...
... your body increases the release of scar tissue, which continues to stiffen and tighten up the area and restrict blood flow and oxygen.
Without adequate blood flow carrying oxygen and essential healing chemicals... your body can't heal itself.
Finally, the scar tissue begins spreading to your joints and muscles – even your organs – restricting movement and function.
(Now do you understand why most people lose muscle flexibility as they age? This is one of the primary reasons!)
Now here's what you're probably asking yourself...
"Is There A Way To Get Pain Relief WITHOUT
The Potentially Deadly Side Effects Of
NSAID's & Prescription Pain Meds?"
SPECIAL: Get The Heal-n-Soothe Free Trial Bottle Today |
An All-Natural, 100% Safe, Pain-Relieving Supplement Which HEALS Your Body As It Soothes Away Your Pain
It’s called "Heal-n-Soothe" and it not only gives you the healing power of proteolytic enzymes in a convenient capsule but it also goes where no other proteolytic supplement has or will with…
Today’s Most Powerful Proteloytic Enzyme Combination: We've combined the incredible systemic enzymes Protease AM, Protease 6.0 and Alkaline Protease... Bromelain and Papain to give you the most powerful pain-fighting effects!
No Label ‘Slight of Hand’: Most supplements don't list the exact concentrations on their labels... because they want to hide the fact that they're RIPPING YOU OFF! As you'll see below... you get to see the entire label... with ALL ingredients and ALL concentrations of each ingredient - because we have nothing to hide.
The Only Truly All-Natural Proteolytic Enzyme Formulation - Available with no dangerous fillers or preservatives! This pain-reducing miracle was made for the pain sufferer who wants to get rid of their pain without adding mystery chemicals into their body.
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