Is Back Pain Ruining Your Love Life? By Jerry Corners, MD Back pain and sex don't go together very well and if you or your partner are among the 35 million people who have back pain, you know that back pain can disrupt your relationship. Sex is an important part of the intimacy between couples, and attitudes about sex, about rejection and about our self-image when we don't feel up to a sexual encounter can haunt a couple for a long time. Sex is supposed to be pleasurable for both of you and the fear of hurting yourself or your partner inhibits the spontaneous joy that you probably felt before your back pain developed. But what can you do about it? Most couples in which one or the other is restricted by back pain will eventually get around to realizing that back pain does not automatically mean no more sex. What it does mean is that you will need to make some accommodations to the pain and or the fear of it. It also means you will need to talk about sex in a slightly different way than you are used to. Let's back up for a second and begin with a very strong suggestion. Because pain has both a psychological component and a physical component, getting a sound diagnosis is critical to putting your mind at rest about what is wrong and secondly having a sound diagnosis will also give you guidelines for your physical limitations. Secondly, after you have the diagnosis, involve the doctor or physical therapist in a frank discussion about dos and don'ts. Maybe that's an uncomfortable subject for you, but these days we are talking more openly about sex and you should tap into the doctor's experience here. In a perfect world the doctor would open the discussion for you, but if they don't you may have to initiate it. Ideally your partner should be present because he or she will have his or her own questions and concerns. To start sex off right, start off with a massage, or ice down the painful area. A warm shower together might help too. That way the muscles are relaxed. Try These Positions Tonight... Here are some sexual positions that can help you enjoy a pain-free experience. For males:
Remember, the health of your back is dependent on many dynamic factors. Your symptoms may change over time so you may need to work with your health care provider from time to time as you go through the many stages of recovery. A word of caution is in order at this point. It is pretty common to begin feeling better and then overdo it and have your back pain symptoms flair up. We call this, the whoopee effect and it can happen to anyone. Just remember that as you improve gradually, so should your activity level also increase gradually. As I mentioned earlier pain has two parts. There is the physical part. This is the actual stimulation of the nerve, like a painful tooth or a herniated disc pressing on the nerve. And then there is the subjective or the psychological part. This is how it feels to you and includes, among other things, such attitudes as fear that it will get worse or last forever, what will it means to be chronically disabled, and what you believe your partner thinks about it as well as how you are coping with your condition. So, at the top of your agenda there needs to be a frank discussion of your pain limitations and expectations about sex. It is a mistake to believe that your partner understands what it feels like. It is your responsibility to communicate those limitations as clearly as possible; it is their responsibility to listen and try to understand. Pain, after all, is invisible and subjective. That means your pain is unique to you. We have heard people liken back pain to everything from a hot poker going down one or both legs to a chronic aching sensation localized to the lumbar area. It doesn't matter what words you use, just try to explain the pain, what causes it (position, certain movements, or whatever), and what feels good or is what is comfortable for you. Is it obvious that if it hurts, don't do it is generally good advice but some positions and techniques hurt more than others? It may require some gentle experimentation to find out what works but as in most sex advice, “gentle” is the best place to start. In terms of maximizing yours and your partner's sexual pleasure, it is very important to stress that all you really need is your imagination and the willingness to experiment to open up new areas of intimacy. But it all begins with willingness to try. And given that, you just may find that the lemon of back pain can be turned into the lemonade of new sources of mutual pleasure. How Great Would It Be If Your Pain Was Gone And The Romance Was Back? Do What These People Did To Regain Their Lives...
Here Are The Exact Tools They Used To Wipe Out Their Back Pain and Sciatica...
Audio CD 2 - Strategies for Reducing and Managing Pain - On this CD you'll learn about more than a dozen strategies for reducing and effectively managing your pain while you also work on eliminating the underlying cause. Audio CD 3 - Condition Specific Recommendations - If you've been diagnosed with a specific condition, CD 3 will give you specific recommendations, techniques and treatments you may also want to consider. These recommendations are in addition to addressing your imbalances and are explained in great detail.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Sex and Back Pain
The 4 Things Cause Sciatica and How To Get Relief
Eliminate Your Sciatica in Just Days by D. Robert V. Duvall, DPT, ATC, Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT and Steve Hefferon, CMT, of The Healthy Back Institute What's Covered In This Report: 4 Things Cause Sciatica... What's Causing Your Pain? Plus, Details on a Promising New Treatment... |
Dear Sciatica Sufferer,
By requesting a copy of this sciatica advisory, you have joined over 500,000 people who have benefited greatly from the information covered in our advisory...
Here at The Healthy Back Institute we have spent the last 10 years researching and studying back pain and sciatica... We've tested nearly every treatment, technique and product available... We promise you will find the information in this advisory to be extremely informative, educational and helpful.
We've heard nearly every imaginable story and we are confident that yours is not that much different... While every case or situation is unique, there are some underlying elements that are always present. For example, there are 4 primary conditions that are responsible for nearly every case of sciatica...
4 Conditions Cause Sciatica...Which is Causing Your Pain?
Sciatic pain is simply caused by pressure being placed on the sciatic nerve and there are primarily four things that can create this... you may have one or more of the following conditions:
Condition #1 - Piriformis Syndrome
This is the most common cause of sciatic pain and is created when pressure is placed on the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle. Muscle imbalances pull the hip joints and pelvis out of place and this change of position typically shortens and tightens the piriformis muscle, which then places pressure on the sciatic nerve.
Here's a illustration of a study done on over 1500 people who were suffering from sciatic pain...
As you can see in example A, the sciatic nerve runs under the piriformis muscle the majority of the time... however, it occasionally will run thru or around the piriformis muscle as shown in the other examples. Whatever the case, muscle imbalances will cause major problems and are the underlying cause of piriformis syndrome.
What The Heck Is a Muscle Imbalance Anyway?
When a muscle overpowers the opposing muscle, you have a muscle imbalance... Think Tug-of-War...
When your muscles are out of balance they pull your bones and joints out of their normal position and this places your muscles, bones and joints under constant stress and uneven pressure...
For example, the position and curvature of your spine is determined by numerous muscles and whether they are balanced or not... There are over 640 muscles in the human body! Nearly every muscle in the body affects your spine and if just one of these muscles are out of balance you're in trouble...
Here's An Example Of Excessive Curvature
In The Lower Spine Due To Muscle Imbalances...
This is just one of the manyproblems that can be created by undetected and untreated muscle imbalances...
What Your Body and a Automobile Have in Common...
So what the heck does this have to do with getting rid of sciatica?
Here's a quick analogy that will show you how much alike the human body and an automobile are...
What happens when you drive your car with unbalanced tires or your steering out of alignment? Your tires will wear down unevenly and quicker than normal... and eventually you'll have a blowout... the same is true for your body!
It's critical for you to understand that your body alignment and mechanics are affected by your muscles and even the smallest muscle imbalance can, overtime, place tremendous amounts of uneven pressure and wear and tear on your body, especially the spine and it's supporting muscles.
Condition #2 - Herniated Discs
Sciatica can also be caused by pressure on the nerve due to a herniated or bulging disc. A herniation is when a disc protrudes out from between the vertebrae and this can either be caused by an event like a car accident, or by months or years of uneven pressure due to muscle imbalances.
Here's An Example of a Herniated Disc... Take a quick look at this MRI image... You should see the disc bulging out towards the right and pressing on the nerve... This is the type of damage muscles imbalances can create when they are not addressed! And, unfortunately, no amount of ultrasound, electrical stimulation, medications, cortisone injections, general exercises or chiropractic adjustments can correct the muscles imbalances that have created your back pain or sciatica... | MRI showing a herniated disc |
Herniated discs are probably one of the most common diagnosis�s for sciatica out there and this diagnosis is often used when a doctor can�t find an explanation for the person�s pain� similar to a doctor explaining away various aches and pains as arthritis.
Plus, research has shown that in many cases, people live with herniated discs yet never have any back pain or symptoms. The point is, if you�ve been diagnosed with a herniated or bulging disc, it may not be what�s really causing your back pain! Even if you�ve had x-rays and MRI�s done that show a herniated disc, chances are still very good that it�s not the problem...
The problem is, even if you were diagnosed with a herniated disc, you have to understand that if you don't address what caused the disc to herniate in the first place, you'll likely struggle with back pain or sciatica for years.
Nearly Every Herniated Disc Is The Result Of Muscle Imbalances! Here's a close up so you can see what happens to the spine when it's being pulled out of place... When your muscles pull your spine out of alignment, the uneven pressure and compression on your vertebrae wear down your discs much faster than normal... And it's very important to note that your discs are NOT designed to be subjected to this constant, uneven stress and that's why sooner or later they will begin to bulge or herniate... | |
Normal Imbalanced |
Later in the advisory we'll cover the various treatments that are available for herniated discs and discuss what works and what doesn't...
Condition #3 - Spinal Stenosis
- Aging-With age, the body�s ligaments (tough connective tissues between the bones in the spine) can thicken. Spurs (small growths) may develop on the bones and into the spinal canal. The facet joints (flat surfaces on each vertebra that form the spinal column) also may begin to thicken.
- Trauma�Accidents and injuries may either dislocate the spine and the spinal canal or cause burst fractures that produce fragments of bone that penetrate the canal.
- Heredity�If the spinal canal is too small at birth, symptoms of spinal stenosis may show up in a relatively young person. Structural deformities of the involved vertebrae can cause narrowing of the spinal canal.
- Fluorosis�Fluorosis is an excessive level of fluoride in the body. It may result from chronic inhalation of industrial dusts or gases contaminated with fluorides, prolonged ingestion of water containing large amounts of fluorides, or accidental ingestion of fluoride-containing insecticides. The condition may lead to calcified spinal ligaments or softened bones and to degenerative conditions like spinal stenosis.
The most important thing you can do if you are certain you have spinal stenosis is to ensure that you maintain as close to normal curvature in the spine. The more your spine is pulled out of place the tighter the space gets in the spinal canal...Identifying and addressing muscle imbalances is crucial!
Condition #4 - Isthmic Spondylolisthesis
If abnormal motion allows this vertebrae to move back and forth nerves in the spinal canal may be affected causing pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in the legs. Many individuals who have this condition may not have symptoms while others may experience long term back pain and or sciatica.
Spondylolisthesis is most common in the lower spine. The most common cause is degenerative disease (like arthritis) and the slip usually occurs between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae where there is the most curvature in the spine. Muscle imbalances play a major role in two ways:
1. Degenerative diseases like arthritis are much more common in areas of the body where there is uneven pressure and wear and tear.
2. Muscle imbalances increase the amount of curvature in the lower spine making this condition much more likely to come about.
Other causes of spondylolisthesis include stress fractures (which are often caused by repetitive hyper-extension of the back, commonly seen in gymnasts), and traumatic fractures. Spondylolisthesis may also occasionally be associated with bone diseases. As with the other three conditions, muscle imbalances have a lot to do with spondylolisthesis.
The Secret To Getting Lasting Relief Is...
In order to get long-term relief from back pain you have to start at the beginning, and that’s with the muscle imbalances. This means you have to identify the muscle imbalances that you have and then work towards correcting and improving them.
While this may sound complicated, the good news is it isn’t! Just by reading this advisory you should now have an understanding of how back pain develops and because of this your recovery will be much easier and faster than most other back pain sufferers.
So how do you do find out which muscle imbalances you have?
While this may sound complicated, the good news is it isn’t! Just by reading this advisory you should now have an understanding of how back pain develops and because of this your recovery will be much easier and faster than most other back pain sufferers.
So how do you do find out which muscle imbalances you have?
Use This Simple 3 Step Formula To Eliminate Your Sciatica...
The first thing you need to do is identify the dysfunctions you have and the muscle imbalances that have created it. You can do this by performing a series of what we call "self assessments".
We have found that there are four primary dysfunctions that are either directly responsible for, or contribute to, nearly every single case of back pain or sciatica. And you will be able to easily identify them using the simple tests we teach you in this system.
Once you’ve identified your dysfunctions and imbalances, then it’s time for step two.
You can’t correct the problem if your pain is so severe you can’t move. So in this step you'll implement various strategies to help reduce and manage your pain so you can focus on correcting the dysfunction(s) that are responsible for your pain.
Then you’re on to step three, which is…
Remember, pain is just a warning signal from your body telling you that you need to fix a problem.
So in this step you work on treating the cause, which is the dysfunctions and the muscle imbalances that created it and also implementing additional treatments and strategies that are specific to the condition you may have been diagnosed with.
Beginning any treatment plan without first identifying all of the muscle imbalances is a recipe for failure and frustration. And unfortunately, that’s what typically happens in today’s medical community.
Hopefully at this point you are saying to yourself, this makes so much sense…
Did Your Doctor Ever Talk To You About Muscle Imbalances? | Why Didn't My Doctor Teach Me Any Of This? There are several reasons why you likely haven’t heard of or been taught about this approach and these concepts before…The first reason is, unfortunately, most healthcare professionals just aren’t aware of it. While this approach is based on an understanding of basic human anatomy and biomechanics, it just isn’t taught in the various medical schools.It’s so unknown to most healthcare professionals that if you asked them about muscle imbalances they may not have a clue about what you are saying and even look at you as if you’re crazy! And while you may have had an evaluation or assessment performed by your doctor, it’s highly unlikely that they looked for muscle imbalances. |
Another likely reason is the poor set up and design of the medical systems in most countries. For example, in the United States most patients are rushed through their appointments as the doctors have to and want to see as many patients as they can in a given day.
In Canada, many people are forced to wait months or even years just to get an appointment to be seen!
In Canada, many people are forced to wait months or even years just to get an appointment to be seen!
Which Of These Traditional Back Pain Treatments
Have Failed To Give You Lasting Relief?
Have Failed To Give You Lasting Relief?
While some of these treatments may offer some benefit, they almost always fail to deliver lasting relief because they don’t address the underlying cause of the problem. If these options really worked so well, you wouldn't be reading this AND your back would be feeling great, right?
What About Those Generic Back Pain Exercises They Gave You?
They are on that sheet of paper you get when you go see a doctor, chiropractor or physical therapist.
It's the same sheet they give every single patient who comes into their office with back pain or sciatic pain...
It's NO Surprise These Excercises Don't Work...
Let me ask you this, how can those generic exercises and stretches be right for everyone? More importantly, how can they be right for you and your specific situation?
While the solution to back pain does involve exercise, the generic back pain exercises and stretches that nearly every healthcare professional gives out, won't work most of the time because the exercises and stretches may or may not be the ones that YOU need to be doing!
In order for exercises and stretches to be effective, and deliver long-term pain relief, they must be targeted and specific to your imbalances, dysfunction and condition...
Also, you have to understand and acknowledge that money is a factor and both surgery and prescription medications are very big business. For example, how does a orthopedic specialist make money? Surgery. So don’t be surprised if surgery is on their list of treatment options for you.
Now, we are not saying that all doctors are bad and out to take advantage of you... not at all... in fact, we think most are genuine, caring and honest people...
But the fact is, most just aren’t using this approach so it’s up to you to ensure you take the information you’ve learned here and put it to work for you so you can benefit.
No one cares about your back and health as much as you do and therefore, you need to take charge.
While the solution to back pain does involve exercise, the generic back pain exercises and stretches that nearly every healthcare professional gives out, won't work most of the time because the exercises and stretches may or may not be the ones that YOU need to be doing!
In order for exercises and stretches to be effective, and deliver long-term pain relief, they must be targeted and specific to your imbalances, dysfunction and condition...
Also, you have to understand and acknowledge that money is a factor and both surgery and prescription medications are very big business. For example, how does a orthopedic specialist make money? Surgery. So don’t be surprised if surgery is on their list of treatment options for you.
Now, we are not saying that all doctors are bad and out to take advantage of you... not at all... in fact, we think most are genuine, caring and honest people...
But the fact is, most just aren’t using this approach so it’s up to you to ensure you take the information you’ve learned here and put it to work for you so you can benefit.
No one cares about your back and health as much as you do and therefore, you need to take charge.
Are You Fed Up With Temporary, Quick Fixes? Are Ready To
Get Long-Term, Lasting Pain Relief?
Well, you can and we are going to help you make it happen… We’ve created an easy to follow program that anyone can use to find out what’s really causing their pain and actually get rid of it… It’s called the Lose the Back Pain System and...
Maybe your situation has been similar… if so, you need to take control of your back health and get started using this system right away… Here’s a brief description of what the system is and how you will use it to get rid of your pain…
Audio CD 2 - Strategies for Reducing and Managing Pain - On this CD you'll learn about more than a dozen strategies for reducing and effectively managing your pain while you also work on eliminating the underlying cause.
Audio CD 3 - Condition Specific Recommendations - If you've been diagnosed with a specific condition, CD 3 will give you specific recommendations, techniques and treatments you may also want to consider. These recommendations are in addition to addressing your imbalances and are explained in great detail.
One of the reasons people get such great results using our system is because we provide extensive, effective and unlimited personal support.
Over 20,000 People in 85 Countries Have Used The Lose the Back Pain System
To Get Relief From Back Pain and Improve Their Health and Wellbeing...
Tens of thousands of people from all over the world have now used this proven system to get rid of their back pain and sciatica. Many of these people had suffered for years and had tried every possible treatment available before finally using this system.To Get Relief From Back Pain and Improve Their Health and Wellbeing...
Maybe your situation has been similar… if so, you need to take control of your back health and get started using this system right away… Here’s a brief description of what the system is and how you will use it to get rid of your pain…
It was developed by a team of leading health, fitness and medical professionals and has proven to be far more effective that any other treatment approach being used today.The system is safe, extremely easy to use and understand, and most importantly, it gets great results because it addresses the underlying cause of the problem… not just the symptoms… It consists of a series of Self Assessments or tests, you can do on your own, in the comfort of your own home, to identify the physical dysfunctions and muscle imbalances you have... and pinpoint exactly what's causing your back pain or sciatica. Then you begin your personalized self treatment program that will include Pain Reduction Strategies, the exact Corrective Exercises and Stretches you need to be doing and alsoCondition Specific Recommendations which target any specific condition(s) you may have been diagnosed with... |
Here Are The Exact Tools You Are Going To Use
To Wipe Out Your Back Pain and Sciatica...
Component #1: Lose the Back Pain™ VideosYour first step is to watch the videos... there are 2 videos and here's a quick explanation of what's covered on each: Video 1 - On the first video you'll learn all the details about muscle imbalances and how they are causing and contributing to your pain. Then we'll walk you thru the self assessments and help you pinpoint which physical dysfunctions you have and you'll quickly see how they are responsible for your pain. Video 2 - Once you've identified your dysfunctions, we then walk you through the corrective exercises, stretches and self treatments that are specific to your physical condition and are necessary in order for you to rebalance your body and eliminate your pain. | DVD and VHS Available |
Component #2: Lose the Back Pain™ Audio CD'sIn addition to the two videos, you'll also receive 3 audio CD's. Here's what's covered on the CD's: Audio CD 1 - How To Get the Best Results Using The System - On this first CD we explain in detail how to use the system and how to get relief as quickly as possible. |
CLICK HERE: For Lose The Back Pain 21-Day Challenge FREE Trial |
Audio CD 3 - Condition Specific Recommendations - If you've been diagnosed with a specific condition, CD 3 will give you specific recommendations, techniques and treatments you may also want to consider. These recommendations are in addition to addressing your imbalances and are explained in great detail.
Component #3: Lose the Back Pain™ Reference ManualAnother vital part of the Lose the Back Pain System is the extensive reference manual. In addition to reviewing the information covered on the videos and audio CD's, it also covers several topics in much great detail. Plus, all of the corrective exercises, stretches and pain reduction strategies are included in the manual so you can easily take it with you so you'll never be wondering what you are supposed to be doing or if you are doing things correctly. |
Component #4: Lose the Back Pain™ Personal Support
Just like we have for tens of thousands of others, we will also provide you with the ongoing support and motivation that you need but aren't getting from your doctor or other health care providers.
Once you begin using our system, we will work with you personally to ensure you get the best possible results using our system in the shortest amount of time. We'll answer any and all questions you have and make sure that you are making steady and consistent progress.
You'll receive the following for 90 days:
You have unlimited access to us... anytime you have questions simply email or call us and we will personally answer your questions with a detailed response within 48 hours, often times much faster! Whether you have questions about how to use our system or just general questions about back pain and your body, we'll be here for you to answer them... You can't get this kind of support anywhere... not even from your doctor! We spend a lot of time working with our customers one on one and therefore we can't guarantee how much longer we will be able offer this so we suggest you take advantage of it now while you still can. You will have the option of adding the 90-days of unlimited support to your order during the check out process if ordering online or ask to add it when ordering by phone. We know that even though our system has been proven to work extremely well, in fact far better than traditional treatments, and even though we offer unlimited personal support, you still may be wondering... "what if it doesn't work for me?" |
Well, that's why we offer a 100 % money back guarantee...
Order the Lose the Back Pain System... perform the self assessments, begin your customized self treatment plan... put it's proven strategies to the test for up to 1 year... and you be the judge! All we ask is that you let the system work for you for at least 60 days to allow time to notice improvement. If after 60 days or more of using the system, you aren't noticing improvements and starting to feel much better, simply return the system for a full refund... NO Questions Asked! |
How To Fight Inflammation and Pain Naturally
Wanna Die Young? You May Have No Choice If
You're Making This Mistake!
For years, even decades we've been told that if you have pain... just taking something like... Advil... Aleve... Bayer... Celebrex... Demerol... Motrin... Naproxen... Oxycontin... Percocet... Tylenol... Ultram... or Vicodin... and your pain will simply disappear.
And that's fine - if you're not a fan of living.
While these drugs may be working right now to temporarily stop your pain... they are secretly working behind the scenes... tearing apart your stomach... turning your organs into mush... and causing your insides to become leaky faucets of BLOOD!
Don't believe me?
Here's proof.
Adverse drug reactions are the 4th leading cause of death in the United States... and even put your life at risk in the hospital... affecting more than 1 in 10 patients.
Only Heart Disease, Cancer, And Strokes
Kill More Americans Every Year!
Here are just a handful of examples of commonly prescribed pain meds and their health-crushing effects...
Aspirin - Want to DOUBLE your chances of developing a perforated ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding? Then start taking "1-a-day" Aspirin and kiss your organs goodbye!Tylenol/Acetaminophen - Every year, more than 56,000 Americans will visit the emergency room due to acetaminophen overdoses. It’s the leading cause of calls to Poison Control Centers and by far the leading cause of acute liver failure, causing nearly 50% of all cases.Vicodin, Lorcet, Norco, Percocet, Percodan, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone - Over 16,000 people per year DIE from opiate overdoses. These highly addictive pain meds prescribed by pill-happy doctors cause liver failure, severe constipation leading to ruptured bowels, blocked bowels or sepsis… severe respiratory depression, confusion, coma, and complete cardiac arrest.Advil, Aleve, ibuprofen, naproxen - These "everyday" pain meds carry a heavy burden. Much heavier than you would ever expect. Just check out these stats...... The odds of dying from taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) after just two months is around 1 in 1,200.
... Roughly 16,685 people die each year from NSAID related complications... stealing the life away from as many people as AIDS!
If you want to play "prescription roulette... just take Celebrex and triple your risk of heart attack! Celebrex - Feeling like playing a little Russian roulette with your heart and brain? Just take prescription Celebrex and you'llinstantly triple your risk of heart attack or stroke!While studying the drug’s potential as an anti-cancer drug, the National Cancer Institute discovered that..."Those taking 400mg doses had 250% greater risk of dying from heart attack or stroke... and those taking the 800mg doses has 340% times the risk!"
So the question is...
... WHY are these pain medications so harmful to your body?
... WHY do they put you at risk for so many other side effects?
... WHY have you been betrayed and lied to by the drug companies and doctors who prescribe you these potentially deadly pain meds?
IF You're In Pain - PLEASE Don't Fall Victim
To The Greedy, Money-Hungry Drug Corporations Feeding You Lies!
These greedy drug corporations want one thing... YOUR MONEY... even if the drugs they're selling you are killing you! |
Giant pain medication corporations care about one thing.
They don't care that their products are munching away on the inside of YOUR body like an uncontrollable cancer... slowly feasting on the healthy cells and organs inside you.
They care about money.
Plain and simple.
Here's proof.
In 2006, revenues of prescription drugs topped $643 BILLION (yes, with a B) dollars...
Wanna know WHERE that excess of money is going?
It's going to places like...
The pocket of Jeffrey Kindler - Jeffrey Kindleris the chairman of the company who creates the popular prescription pain killer "Celebrex". The same one that TRIPLES your risk of heart attack or stroke. To give you a taste of how "ethical" the company is... they pleaded guilty to the largest health care fraud in U.S. history in the year 2009. To make matters worse - this was the 4th time they were charged with that same crime in the past 10 years!
So how much of YOUR money goes into his pocket every year? Well... way back in the year 2007... his salary was a whopping $12,600,000.Yes... $12.6 MILLION dollars.That's 1.5 million per MONTH... $242,307.69 per WEEK... $34,615 per DAY!Now listen, I'm not against making money. Everybody wants to make more money, however, I believe in making money by helping people... not making them sick and even killing them!
Your Doctors And Physicians - Baffled at the fact that every time you go to the doctors, you're quickly pushed out the door with "yet another" prescription?
Here's why.Sales representatives for these drug companies shower your doctors with free samples and office supplies in order to persuade them to prescribe you the medication they're selling.Some companies offer so-called "educational opportunities" for physicians to continue the medical training necessary to renew their medical licenses. Free dinners, paid trips, and speech slots at symposiums can all influence your physician’s decision to prescribe one prescription over another.
Corrupt Government Officials - Ever wonder why your wallet gets lighter every time you even THINK about your prescriptions?
It's because no-good drug companies have a team of 625 lobbyists lining the pockets of our own Congress so they don't pass any "price limitations" on the pain meds and other prescription medicines you currently take.In a recent election, drug companies spent more than ANY other industry in the world to sway the politicians in their favor... influencing politicians to pass bills in their favor with a whopping $134 MILLION dollars.
Can you believe this madness?
It's no wonder so many thousands of people get sent to the hospital, develop life-altering diseases and problems within their bodies... and even DIE from taking NSAID's and prescription pain meds.
All the drug companies care about is the money... NOT you!
But that's not the biggest problem.
The biggest problem is that... while the pain meds you're currently taking are slowly eating away at your vital organs like a deadly virus... they're literally
INCREASING the amount of pain your body is in.
Let me explain...
How Your Body
Naturally Gets Rid Of Pain
There were two things that happened when you injured your back (or any other part of your body)…
Here's what's important to remember.
Your body has 2 types of prostaglandins.
Bad Prostaglandins - These are the type described above. They cause your pain, redness and inflammation. While they are necessary to begin the healing process, they are only meant to be temporary.
Good Prostraglandins - These are the 2nd wave which come in and clean up the inflammed area to reduce your inflammation, heal the affected area and reduce your pain.
Normally, both of these protective mechanisms last only a few days and then your body - through a natural “signal” process - shuts them OFF by sending the "good"
prostaglandins to the area.
When that happens the inflammation, redness, swelling and pain disappear... and the small amount of scar tissue your body created dissolves forever.
Here's the problem...
NSAID's And Prescription Pain Meds BREAK Your Body's
Natural Healing Ability And Cause Long-Term Damage!
Have you ever taken or are currently taking any of the following?
Advil... Aleve... Bayer... Celebrex... Demerol... Motrin... Naproxen... Oxycontin... Percocet... Tylenol...Ultram... Vicodin...?
NSAID's and prescription pain meds are STARVING your bodyof blood and oxygen! |
If so... your body's natural healing ability may be at risk... setting you up for long-term pain and suffering!
You see...these anti-inflammatories block ALL prostaglandins - both good and bad.
This sets your cells up on a "cycle of pain" cause when both the good AND bad prostaglandins are blocked. Instead of allowing your prostaglandins to do their natural jobs, anti-inflammatory drugs simply "numb" the area.
And because your body never gets the "go ahead signal" to turn on your GOOD prostaglandins...
... your body increases the release of scar tissue, which continues to stiffen and tighten up the area and restrict blood flow and oxygen.
Without adequate blood flow carrying oxygen and essential healing chemicals... your body can't heal itself.
Finally, the scar tissue begins spreading to your joints and muscles – even your organs – restricting movement and function.
(Now do you understand why most people lose muscle flexibility as they age? This is one of the primary reasons!)
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